This holiday season give a gift that can improve the life of a loved one for years to come. If you have someone in your life that has a hearing loss, but hasn’t treated it yet, now is a great time to have a talk with them.

It may not be easy, many people who suffer from a hearing loss know that they don’t hear as well as they should but just don’t want to face it. In that case, education may be the answer as many people have misguided ideas of what having a hearing aid means.

Explaining to them the options they have and pointing out that hearing aids come in many shapes and sizes and some are virtually invisible may make the transition easier. Also pointing out how much better their quality of life can be, especially this time of year, may be just the incentive they need to take action.

Here are some tips for making the talk more productive and less stressful for you both:

1. Don’t try to talk to someone about their hearing loss after a long day or when others are around. For most people it’s best to have this talk one on one and when everyone is relaxed.

2. It’s easy to come off sounding judgmental or angry, be careful of the message your tone may send.

3. Try to find out what is making them hesitate in getting treatment for their hearing loss. For example, they may think a hearing aid will make them look old or is ugly. You can point out to them that today there are many types of hearing aids and some of them are virtually invisible. By getting to the core of their reluctance you may both find ways to overcome the concerns.

If they take your advice, that is a gift that will keep on giving all year long. Much better than a new pair of socks.